Saturday, February 26, 2011

Physical World

Physical processes - Electricity, types of energy forces, space, sound and light are covered in this section. Circuits, sounds, electrical conductors, earth, sun, moon, forces, friction, light, shadow, magnets & springs etc


Electricity and power - video and light

Electricity and currents - video and quiz 

Check out your knowledge of circuits and electricity - information, quiz and activities

Choose a mission - Bones, electricity or Solids and Liquids

Interactive activities learning about forces:  create machines, design skateboards and create a roller coaster!

Circuits activity,  other activities for motion and learning about energy

Electricity - games and quizzes

Forces - games and quizzes

Friction - test different materials on the car track and see what happens! 


Game - how colour is created in lights

How do we see? the path of LIGHT! 

Check out the Light and Dark activity 

Light and shadow - games and quizzes 

Light and Shadow - video and quiz 

Light absorption and reflection - video and quiz 

Light and shadow - interactive activity 

How does a PLASMA ball work?  


Magnetism - video and light 

Magnets, gravity, light etc through Launchball


Sound - games and quizzes




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